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Dr. Marek Kalmus

Dr. Marek Kalmus from Krakow, founder and director of the Institute of Chinese Medicine and Health Prevention, honorary president of the Polish Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, and managing director of the Center for Chinese Medicine in Krakow.

He leads the course 'Great medical systems of the East' and a set of courses: 'Managing practice and relationships with the patient', 'Health and safety in TCM practice'. He has been studying Chinese medicine since 1986. Based on the lectures of Claude Diolosy (from the 80s), he published the book China, Cuisine... Secrets of Medicine. Author of books about Tibet (including Tibet - Legend and Reality, Ordinary Consciousness, Awakened Consciousness).

Popularizer of Chinese medicine (Radio Krakow, TVP Info, TVN, press publications, public lectures). Since 1989, he has been organizing courses in Chinese medicine. Academic lecturer at the Jagiellonian University (Far East Studies, Comparative Civilization Studies, single lectures in Coll. Medicum UJ, Dept. of Pharmacology). He also lectured as a guest in China at Guanxi Chinese Medicine University in Nanning (March 2019) and Shanghai University of Traditional Medicine (October 2018).

Intercultural trainer. Since 1992, he has been running the company Marek Kalmus Consulting (, dealing with training, tourism consulting (Asia) and intercultural consulting (training, mentoring, coaching). Since 2013, he is the co-founder and managing director of the Center for Chinese Medicine in Krakow, Warszawska 1. From December 2017 to November 2022, he was a member of the Executive Committee, and since November 2022, he is the vice president of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibution Society (WFAS) based in Beijing.